Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chapter 3 - Conflict Analysis (Section 1)

Because, well... there's always a culprit behind all of the mess. I don't really know if that makes sense, so here is an example:

In Persona 3, the heroes of the game were trying to get rid of Tartarus Tower and the dark hour, because it placed people in danger.

They later found out that the shadows inside the tower were planning to destroy the world. If I remember it correctly, the heroes believed that the combination of the twelve shadow arcana (these huge boss battle monsters), would create Nyx, who would descend upon the earth and destroy it.

So they go around winning boss battles in an attempt to prevent Nyx from showing up, when suddenly...
They figure out that it's actually the death of these things that creates Nyx and not their combined "powers".

So... they go and fight Nyx anyway. lol.

They do end up defeating Nyx. They seal her away, actually, because she's like this being that can't be defeated. She's sorta like a metaphor for death, which cannot be destroyed.

So... afterwards, the heroes figure out that it wasn't actually Nyx who would destroy the world. It's actually the combined efforts of her and some creepy looking fool named Erebus. Nyx is sealed away so Erebus won't come in contact with her. So, the main, main, MAIN objective was to destroy Erebus.


Erebus was going to get with Nyx and destroy the world.

When scientists found out about this, which was explained in a prophecy, they accepted it and tried to create Nyx themselves. However, an accident happened and the nearly completed Nyx was broken in to twelve arcana.

In addition, this accident created the dark hour and Tartarus Tower.

Now, for the fall to happen, Nyx would have to be created by the twelve shadow arcana. To do this, they would have to be killed. The death of these shadows would free parts of Nyx, which combine into...well... her.

Lucky for them (Erebus and Nyx), a few misled teenagers killed these shadows in hopes of preventing the coming of Nyx and destroying the dark hour.

For these teenagers, the dark hour was not a desirable thing to possess. It terrorized their city and endangered the world. That was their motivation for killing the twelve shadow arcana.

Makes sense? There's an evil behind the evil.

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