Thursday, July 30, 2009

Some Changes Made to Chapter 3 and Other Notes...

This probably won't be as proffesional-looking as the others.

I came up with something else. Instead of there being a strange mirror in one of the rooms, there will be a hallway closet linking to the other world. Will there be some sort of symbolism behind it? Well, I suppose, but it really does inch towards a Persona 4 look-alike.

I was thinking...

The little boy, with the feeling of loneliness, would hide away in the hallway closet and pretend to be somewhere else - like a little kid playing doctor or something. He eventually came across the idea of another house. These thoughts became so detailed and in depth, that his dreams and ideas eventually came to life. There soon was another house inside the hallway closet - another world.

And then there, he saw his shadow, who convinced him to kidnap the residents in the area.

The hallway closet, I guess, sort of represents things that people store away and do not revisit - like an issue or something. But the world is something wonderful for the boy. He wouldn't want to hide it away... It's more of an escape, like the TV world in Persona 4. That's what I'm afraid of. How can we avoid this? Come up with a completely different plot? *shudders* Perhaps.

The conflict spawns from human grief.


I wanted to tie in something about there not being any hope - like the theme or something. I was thinking it'd be appropriate, because, well... I thought it was neat when Nyx stated that had there been more people like S.E.E.S., then the fall could have been prevented. I thought, what if people did strive to be like the members of S.E.E.S.? It's almost as if the students in Persona 4 and the people influenced by the game's protagonist added on to the list of people who could prevent the fall. What if it spread to others? And maybe the theme could be something about not losing hope? Yeah.

Perhaps the boy loses hope on his past life and accepts the world he invents in the hallway closet. Maybe the closet doesn't have to represent anything at all. ha ha. Or maybe it represents the consequences of losing hope - giving in to despair. It's almost like a false sense of security. Dangit. And we get right back to the Persona 4 thing. It's like a merry-go-round.

Well, the real motive for kidnapping all of those people is to allow them to wallow in despair and hopefully engulf the area in some sort of... hopeless aura - the more people who wish for death, the better. In the long run, it could contribute to bringing about the fall. The child, on the other hand, believes that by kidnapping the people, he is really obtaining company for his perfect world.

This can be combated by hope...? Yeah? Because of the mind over matter thing. And taking the good with the bad... Life is a tough thing to handle and sometimes it takes that. Both Persona 3 and 4 revolve around the will live - applies to Persona 4 if you squint. I'm thoroughly ashamed for not having done my homework on the first two installments.

So when you get down to it, it's the will to live versus the hope lost on life.

I think our conflict is more defined now. At least for me. I'm sorry if this didn't make any sense. I typed this off of the top of my head. But perhaps I can eventually present it in a way that the audience can understand.

If this entry actually did make some sort of sense, I definitely wouldn't mind some feedback.

At this point, I don't know where to go from here. I might just move on to the characters.